Archives for: June 2009


Permalink 22:48:00, by admin, 343 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, twin astir, circuits & landings, backseat training
I've been planning now for a while to have a flight test in the Falke to get my Pax Rating (or Air Experience Rating to be politically correct because this is what the Soaring Society of SA now calls it). In gliding circles things work a little different… more »


Permalink 21:20:00, by admin, 512 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, twin astir, circuits & landings, single astir, backseat training
For today the weather forecast predicted a light-ish northerly wind and a dead sky as far as thermals go and they were bang on. However, as we have had four weekends in a row without flying gliders most the members were desperate to get airborne and so t… more »


Permalink 13:07:00, by admin, 69 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day
The weather was not ideal today as the wind was blowing a fair amount and the sky looked rather dead from a thermalling point of view, though flying was possible unfortunately all the crew did not arrive for duty and so flying was cancelled for the day.… more »