Category: ASW 20

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Permalink 20:00:00, by admin, 493 words   English (ZA)
Categories: no fly day, cross-country, ASW 20
Today was going to be one of my better gliding days and only now, looking back in retrospect, I realise just what a great day it was and also just how much opportunity there was to be had. I’m still very inexperienced at cross country flying so I fly sup… more »


Permalink 20:37:00, by admin, 473 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, cross-country, ASW 20
The day started with the usual briefing and a caution prediction of good flying weather for the day. After giving the 20 an abbreviated clean down, as it was a little (very) dusty and little (very) dirty, after having slept it's first night outside, we t… more »


Permalink 20:51:00, by admin, 547 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, ASW 20
Today was the first day of my annual soaring excursion, this time to the Karoo to join the Cape Gliding Club (CGC) at a week's gliding camp hosted by them in Victoria West. Victoria West (FAVW) has proven, historically, to be a good place to fly out… more »


Permalink 17:38:18, by admin, 388 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring, ASW 20
Today was one of those exciting days at the airfield - but for all the wrong reasons. There was a fairly strong south-westerly blowing (30 kph) and we all headed to the threshold of runway 26 to start with winch launching. It was there that we witnes… more »

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