Category: theory

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Permalink 19:34:56, by admin, 628 words   English (ZA)
Categories: theory
In South Africa gliding is controlled by the SSSA, Soaring Society of South Africa. They regulate and control all aspects of gliding and are basically completely autonomous from the CAA. To be able to fly a glider in SA you need to be a member of a gl… more »


Permalink 17:07:07, by admin, 174 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, no fly day, theory
It was rather a disastrous week when the drought we were experiencing came to a sudden and abrupt end on Wednesday night with over 300mm of rain failing in 36 hour period causing huge flood damage and some sad loss of life. When I arrived at the airfi… more »


Permalink 18:33:26, by admin, 86 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
For those of you interested in some stats. So far I have had 27 flights equalling 6.9 hours. The total cost (only flying and launches) has been 1548ZAR. The average flight length was 15 minutes and included four flights in the Motor Falke, two in a Dimon… more »


Permalink 22:45:45, by admin, 47 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
Rather small turnout for the AGM. For my troubles I get elected as the club's treasurer. Something about my accounting background, but actually because no one else wanted the job. So now I'm on the committee, as a student having been with the club for tw… more »

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