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Sunset Flying


Permalink 21:21:00, by admin, 203 words   English (ZA)
Categories: circuits & landings, single astir

As it turned out, a damn good day at the airfield.

Ridge at SunsetThere was more than the usual turn out of members, everyone helped out and the flying was good. I spent half the day launching gliders with the winch and also managed to get my turn to fly.

I had two check rides in the Twin landing into a light wind on 26L. Shortly thereafter I took off in the Single and other than my nasty balloon on landing, it went off very well. I ballooned because I came in too fast and pulled back too sharply on controls. Some de je view as this is almost the same thing that happened with my first ever landing in the Single. The good news is that I handled the balloon fine and managed a nice landing after that.

Single Astir at SunsetRight at the end of the day I brought the Single in for a nice hangar flight. This was also another first for me as the flight was just before sunset. In the photo’s it actually looks much darker than what it was and you can see the sun peeking out from behind a rather dark looking cloud. Four flights, 31 minutes and including launches 196.05ZAR.