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Saturday Falking


Permalink 14:00:00, by admin, 207 words   English (ZA)
Categories: aircraft, motor falke, take offs & landings

Today was our first day of Saturday flying, and it was rather disappointing. There were only three people at the airfield, myself, the instructor F(4) and the winch driver. The balance of the duty crew didn't bother to show and I'm sure they'll use the fact that the Twin is out of action as an excuse. The fact however remains that there are still the club's single gliders to fly.

Motor FalkeI flew the Falke for 25 minutes with the instructor performing five landings. Even though I was a little rusty from not having flown this aircraft for five weeks I thought everything went off well. He was upsetting my rhythm a little by making me turn finals rather high and insisting I flair higher than what I'm normally used to. This made for some deep and bouncy landings.

Anyways, back on the ground he wasn't happy that I fly alone. This I thought rather unusual and on querying why, his answer was simply, "I'm a difficult man to please". At a minimum I would have appreciated an explanation and some reasons. Cost = 121ZAR.

This has prompted me to write a short article on the pros and cons of learning to flying gliders in South Africa, coming up soon.