Category: backseat training

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Permalink 19:15:00, by admin, 218 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, twin astir, circuits & landings, single astir, backseat training
Another successful day even though the soaring weather was non existent and only good for circuits. I made two backseats flights in the Twin from winch launches on 34L and both went off very well. The only real problem that I am having is remembering… more »


Permalink 22:48:00, by admin, 343 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, twin astir, circuits & landings, backseat training
I've been planning now for a while to have a flight test in the Falke to get my Pax Rating (or Air Experience Rating to be politically correct because this is what the Soaring Society of SA now calls it). In gliding circles things work a little different… more »


Permalink 21:20:00, by admin, 512 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, twin astir, circuits & landings, single astir, backseat training
For today the weather forecast predicted a light-ish northerly wind and a dead sky as far as thermals go and they were bang on. However, as we have had four weekends in a row without flying gliders most the members were desperate to get airborne and so t… more »


Permalink 21:15:00, by admin, 225 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, twin astir, thermaling & soaring, single astir, backseat training
Another extremely hectic week behind me, but fortunately there was time to head out to the airfield to escape the pressures of normally daily life. Things got off to a late start as some repair/maintenance work first needed to be completed on the winch.… more »

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