Categories: solo, aircraft, ASW 20, blanik L13, motor falke, single astir, twin astir, practical, achievments, advanced, backseat training, circuits & landings, cross-country, stalls, spins & steep turns, thermaling & soaring

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Permalink 22:20:00, by admin, 268 words   English (ZA)
Categories: thermaling & soaring, solo, motor falke
I arrived early at the airfield (as usual), but this time with a mission. I hadn't flown the Falke in a good while and I wanted to get some practice in. I was warned before hand that the tail wheel had a puncture so I came prepared with all the right kit… more »


It's been a long while since my flying has given me a sleepless night, but tonight has been one. I'm not really sure why, but sometimes you play things over and over in your head to try and understand and well, here I am, typing away well before sunrise.… more »


Permalink 20:50:00, by admin, 332 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring, blanik L13
The first official flying day of the new year and it was looking yeechh! I arrived at the airfield at 9 am and the clouds were low and it was drizzling lightly. Anyways, we put the Twin together again, after it's long trek down from Gauteng, and wa… more »


Permalink 15:15:30, by admin, 227 words   English (ZA)
Categories: solo, motor falke, circuits & landings, thermaling & soaring
I had checked the Aerosport's website earlier that morning and they had predicted really good thermal activity for Uitenhage at about 2pm. So I arranged with an instructor for permission to fly the Falke and met up with another club member in his own mot… more »

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