Category: theory

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Permalink 18:37:43, by admin, 43 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
The flying club phones me this afternoon, it turns out that I have passed. I duffed the last question badly, but still squeezed in with a 75%. I'm soo heppy! Just need to do the practical now, then a restricted radio license is mine. more »


Permalink 19:53:04, by admin, 82 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
Tuesday was a public holiday so I spent most the day learning. Also spent a few hours in the evenings. Wrote the radio (restricted license) exam at the flying club this morning. Took me 2.5 hours. All was going well until the last question. Just check… more »


Permalink 21:00:00, by admin, 286 words   English (ZA)
Categories: student, theory
Get a phone call at 7pm that Friday evening. There is a free slot open in the radio course to be held at the Algoa Flying Club, would I be interested? It's very early in my flying "career", and I really don't need a radio license yet, or have the funds,… more »

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